David Bohrman is proof old wounds do heal.
Bohrman, the CNNfn exec who was booted and escorted out of the building after a nasty contract dispute, has returned to the news network.
CNN said yesterday Bohrman will re-join CNN as senior executive producer of the network’s new flagship evening newscast anchored by Aaron Brown.
Brown and Bohrman worked together at ABC News, where 10 years ago, they created “World News Now.”
Brown, who was recently recruited from ABC to help CNN News regain its edge, asked for Bohrman to work on his as-yet-unnamed prime-time news show.
“David was my first, second and third choice to produce this program,” said Brown.
In August 1999, Bohrman was walked out of the office by a human resources official just as CNN floated an internal memo that Teya Ryan would take over from him as executive VP of CNNfn.
The embarrassing spectacle followed a report that Bohrman was taking his employer to arbitration for allegedly breaching his contract.
After his stint at the network, Bohrman launched Pseudo.com, a streaming entertainment site that ran through $14 million in funding and filed for bankruptcy in October 2000.