“MILLARD’S mind is apt to wander,” I observed after Cy the Cynic told me about today’s deal.
“Sometimes it leaves the club altogether,” Cy snorted.
Millard Pringle is a quiet little man whose skylight leaks just a little. Millard was today’s West, and North-South were using complex bidding methods. South’s 2NT was “Lebensohl,” a convention that counters interference over a 1NT opening. North had to bid three clubs, after which South’s three hearts was competitive. (A direct bid of three hearts would have been forcing.) North, with a sound hand and heart support, raised.
Millard led the 10 of spades, and Cy, East, took the ace and returned the queen. South played the king, and Millard . . . discarded a club!
“I managed not to say a word,” Cy told me. “Declarer next let the nine of trumps ride, and I took the queen and cashed the jack of spades. Not even Millard could lose the ace of trumps, so we beat the contract.”
South could get home if Millard ruffed the second spade low. South would win the diamond return with the king and lead a trump to the king (he could never succeed if East had the ace). The A-Q would fall together on the next trump, and South would later pitch his spade loser on dummy’s fourth club.
“Why didn’t Millard ruff the second spade?” I asked.
“South’s bid of 2NT confused him,” Cy said. “He thought the contract was 3NT.”
(Yes, West also prevails by ruffing the second spade with the ace.)