To celebrate the 20th anniversary of “The Simpsons,” the show’s creators invited “Super Size Me” documentarian Morgan Spurlock to travel the world, visiting its greatest fans for “The Simpsons 20th Anniversary Special in 3-D on Ice.”
“For me, one of the most surprising things about the show is how beloved it is outside of America,” says Spurlock.
Spurlock traveled to the British town of Patchway, where a man has collect-ed 30,000 pieces of Simpsons merchandise.
“It’s like you’re walking into some crazy, super playroom,” says Spurlock. “It’s not just toys. It’s toys, lava lamps and lunchboxes.”
Spurlock also talked with the actors and writers who’ve made the show a success — including Conan O’Brien, a former writer and producer — and admirers such as Sting, Norah Jones, John Waters and Moby.
“Moby is a huge, huge fan,” says Spurlock. “In his spare time, when he’s out on the road, he does ‘Mr. Plow’ remixes.”
“‘The Simpsons’ really is this global phenomenon,” he says. “It’s become everybody’s family. It’s something I think everyone in the world can relate to, and find some piece of themselves or their own existence in.”
* The Simpsons 20th anniversary special
Today, 8:30 p.m, Fox