Q Our company offers many benefits that are geared toward families. I am single, and while I don’t begrudge those benefits for others, I do feel put-upon when there appears to be a double standard about workplace flexibility. Those who have families seem to get more privileges to take time off, leave early and come in late than those of us who don’t — and who do you think ends up picking up the slack? Yet when we ask for the same flexibility, it seems my boss is less sympathetic. It almost seems that those without families are discriminated against. Any thoughts?
A Yes I have many thoughts . . . like, why did America vote Siobhan off “American Idol”? Why can’t I keep more of what I earn rather than handing it to the federal (and city, and state) government in taxes? And why does it seem New York City taxi drivers are lacking in peripheral vision, so that you practically have to jump in front of one to catch his eye? Being able to see normally would seem like a prerequisite for the job, no?
OK, I’m being a bit flippant, perhaps. But I don’t have a lot of sympathy for your complaint. Honestly, hard-working, high-performing, collegial employees — regardless of race, gender, family status, etc. — generally don’t worry about such perceived inequities. The workplace is filled with people from all walks of life, and responsible, successful companies offer benefits packages, policies and accommodations that meet the diverse needs of a diverse workforce, enabling them to attract and retain the best talent possible.
So these are my thoughts: Be a great, collegial employee and you’ll earn the respect of your peers and boss, and when the time comes that you need a special accommodation, you’re more likely to receive it.