Business briefs
Levy to prison
Ezra Levy, a former trader and chief financial officer of Boston Provi dent Partners, was sen tenced to 67 months in prison for stealing about $3 million from the Man hattan-based hedge fund.
GM salon
GM is mulling a plan to open up a GM salon in Manhattan, say three people who know about the discussions. The company would rent or buy a building, outfit it with imagery for its four brands and showcase the latest cars.
Zell delay
Tribune Co. Chairman Sam Zell got a short re prieve from creditors seeking to grill him in the company’s contentious bankruptcy case. Lawyers for Wells Fargo agreed to postpone his deposition, which was scheduled to take place yesterday in Manhattan, until after July 4.
Icahn bid
Investor Carl Icahn said Lionsgate will drop below his $7-a-share offer price once his hostile ten der for the independent film and television studio expires — a bid he won’t extended again.
Apple sales
Apple announced yes terday it sold more than 1.7 million units of its new iPhone G4 in the first three days.